Five simple steps to maintain a healthy kidney

What does a healthy kidney do? The kidney performs vital roles to keep our body in healthy balance. It regulates body fluid levels, filters waste products and toxins from the blood, produces hormones that help keep blood pressure in check, activates vitamin D to maintain good bone structure, keeps our body minerals like sodium, potassium […]

What You Need to Know About Lung Cancer

Every year, the world commemorates Lung Cancer Awareness Month in November to increase awareness on the disease. Lung cancer is the most diagnosed cancer worldwide. In Singapore, it is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer (15.1%) and the third most commonly diagnosed cancer (7.6%) among Singaporean men and women. Lung cancer has the highest cancer mortality rate (27.1%) among Singaporean men and the second highest cancer […]

Learn how you can manage migraine attacks

Migraine is one of the most common and severe types of headaches. It usually occurs on one side of the head, but may spread to the other side. It can also occur on both sides simultaneously. While migraine can affect any age, it is most common between people between 20 to 50 years old. Women are more likely to […]

Cancer in Men: Testicular Cancer, Prostate Cancer And Breast Cancer

Men are 35% more likely to die from cancer than women. What this means is that men are at a higher risk of cancer. In general, this is largely due to the drinking and eating habits of men and late diagnosis. Testicular Cancer Testicular cancer is the most common cancer affecting young men. Most testicular […]

Breast Cancer Among Women Aged 35 and Below

There is an increase in young breast cancer patients over the years, with a doubling in the numbers under the age of 35 years. This corresponds to the National Cancer Institute SEER worldwide statistics as well. This young group of breast cancer patients has a unique set of challenges and needs. Their psychosocial, career and […]

Your Diet and Immunity: The Importance of Iron

The ongoing resurgence of COVID-19 has put the world on the edge. As we tether through these tough times, we have to take better care of our physical health. Just like how a plant needs sufficient water and sunlight to thrive, our bodies need nutrients to build a strong immune system. By paying closer attention […]

How to Care for Your Children’s Skin

Common Skincare Problems in Children – What Parents Need to Know Children have more delicate and sensitive skin than adults. As parents, it is important to know how to care for your children’s skin, so that their skin will be healthy as they age. General Skincare Tips for Everyone Limit time spent in direct sunlight […]

Caring for Your Skin Under the Sun

If there is one silver lining in this current pandemic, it is that people are getting outside now more than ever to exercise! With restrictions at the gyms, many of us are hitting the outdoors to get our exercise. In the process of maintaining our physical health, we tend to forget to take care of […]

Why should I still take my flu vaccine?

5 myths to debunk about flu vaccines With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, it may seem like the only vaccination to prioritise is the Covid-19 vaccine. While this may be true, there is still one type of vaccination that you should be considering as a part of your routine health regime – seasonal flu vaccinations. Flu […]

How to prevent oral & skin problems from mask-wearing

The pandemic has proliferated a new staple accessory in our daily wardrobe – face masks. Whether you prefer to don on surgical masks or washable fabric ones, wearing a mask is a key pillar in the strategy against Covid-19 as well as reducing the risk of any airborne infection transmissions. With the ongoing pandemic, mask […]