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Breast Cancer

As the most common cancer among women, it is estimated that one in 14 women before 75 years old will develop breast cancer in Singapore. Breast cancer occurs when cancer develops in the breast tissue, and it usually originates from the cells lining the milk ducts and glands. 

Risk Factors 

  • A familyhistory with one or more closerelatives diagnosed with breast cancer 
  • Previousbreast biopsy showing atypicalhyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in-situ 
  • Early menstruation (ie. before 12 years old)
  • Late menopause (ie. after 55 years old)
  • Women on long-term use of combinedhormone replacement therapy
  • Having the frst child after 30 years old


Signs and Symptoms 

  • A lump or thickening in the breast
  • Change in size or shape of breast
  • Skin changes around the breast
  • Pain felt in the breast
  • Bloody or unusual nipple discharge
  • Retracted or inverted nipple


What You Can Do 

As a form of prevention, conduct regular selfbreast examination on your own. For women 

who are 50 years old and above, go for a mammogram screening once every two years. Those between 40 and 49 years old, should consider doing an annual screening. 




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